01526 352 369


Menopause Support

"We're in this Together"

How are we helping you?

re:new Gym and Studio is enhancing its support for women in the perimenopause to post-menopause stages with a holistic program tailored to their specific health needs. This initiative includes personalized fitness programs, nutrition counseling aimed at hormone balancing and weight management, stress management workshops featuring yoga and meditation, sleep improvement strategies, and progressive health check-ups using Styku 3D body scans. Additionally, the studio offers educational support and free resources for achieving hormonal balance and improved wellness. By joining their program, women gain access to dedicated resources and community benefits designed to support them through this significant life transition.

Support for All

re:new Gym and Studio intensifies support for women in perimenopause to post-menopause phases. Our unwavering commitment offers extensive assistance. Stay updated by joining our list for dedicated resources and community benefits.

Your Fitness

Personalized Fitness Programs offer tailored workouts specifically designed to manage symptoms and enhance overall health, providing a customized approach to fitness that caters to individual health goals and needs.

Your Nutrition

Nutrition Counseling focuses on hormone balancing and weight management, offering expert advice to help you navigate dietary choices for optimal health, supporting your journey towards a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Your Stress

Stress Management Workshops provide yoga, meditation, and mindfulness practices aimed at improving mental health, offering tools and techniques to alleviate stress and foster a peaceful, balanced state of mind.

Free Support Meetings

Monthly Support Meetings with guest speakers, offering sustained guidance, motivation, and community solidarity. These gatherings are designed to inspire and support and offer collective encouragement.

Your Sleep

Sleep Improvement Strategies present actionable advice to boost sleep quality, focusing on habits and routines conducive to peaceful sleep, crucial for maintaining overall health and enhancing well-being.

Health Scans

Progressive Check-Ups, including regular Styku 3D body scans, assess health risks and bone density, offering a comprehensive approach to health tracking and personalized wellness planning.

Free Resources

Educational Support offers guidance on coping strategies and improvement tips. Additionally, we'll send free resources via email to aid your path to achieving hormonal balance and enhanced wellness.

Would you like to be kept informed?

Julie and Wendy, the Gym Founders, will keep you updated.

"We're in this Together"

re:new Mind + Body at your Gym

Coronation Road

Woodhall Spa, LN10 6QD

Email : info@renewgym.co.uk I Tel : 01526 352 369

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